Toni & Aaron

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I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Toni and Aaron for giving me the honor of being their celebrant and witnessing such a magical day. The wedding ceremony was filled with love, laughter, and just the right touch of sarcasm, bringing family and friends together to celebrate their union. A highlight of the day was their beautiful vows to one another. As a family they had a sand ceremony, where each of the five of them had a special color of sand, symbolizing their individuality coming together as one. Just like the sand that can never be separated, their love for one another is inseparable. Their wedding was held in the Panorama House gazebo against the stunning backdrop of the beautiful Wollongong, the day was unforgettable. The newlyweds celebrated well into the night, surrounded by loved ones, marking the beginning of a lifetime of love. Thank you again we had so much fun.

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