An amazing wedding

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Saturday 21.01.12 is a beautiful day that I will remember for a long time. I was asked to officate at an amazing wedding. My godchild, she was absolutely stunning and over flowing with love. The day started with rain, overcast and the ceremony was to be held out side at Seacliff Farm. I understand from the brides mother (one of my friends) the bridal party was very relaxed, breakfast, hair makeup and then start to get ready for the ceremony. Always smiling the bride was so excited.
The rain held off, the bride arrived with her dad in a lovely old car and dressed in an elegant gown, flowing beautifully as she walked to meet her husband to be. My goodness, the groom could not wipe the smile from his face. The ceremony was their expression of their love for one another and it was truly amazing to be a part of such a special day. The evening was full of fun, laughter and a great night was had by all who attended. Thank you Shell and Dave for the honour to be a part of a wonderful day to be remembered for a life time.

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