Relationship Education
I will provide you with a brochure called “Happily Ever… Before & After” This is Form 14A Marriage Act 1961 and is Important information for people planning to Marry. The brochure outlines some things you need to know about changing our name, taxation after marriage, making a will, joint ownership, changes to old laws, health & welfare benefits & legal obligations. It gives you a brief introduction to marriage education and counseling services.
Whilst a majority of couples may think they are in love and this is all they need to get married, Australian statistics indicate 1 in 3 marriages may break up. The information available from relationship education services are not counseling services or groups to tell you that you should not get married but can assist with the important aspects of a life as a couple and may help during difficult times in the future.
Please find below links to the various services.
Anglicare Wollongong
02 4228 9612 or Email:
Course Growing Together
A pre-marriage education program for couples to learn about themselves and their partners and about effective ways of communicating, handling conflict, coping with change and growing together in marriage.
Catholic Care – Centacare
Wollongong Address: 25-27 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: (02) 4254 9318
Catholic Family Welfare Services offer family and relationship counselling, grief counselling, marriage and relationship education and a Family Skills training program.
Wollongong Family Relationship Centre
Address: Shop 2, 310 Crown Street, Wollongong
Phone: (02) 4220 1100 Fax: (02) 4225 0637
Wollongong Family Relationship services provides relationship support with a variety of courses available including Marriage and relationship education. They will also utilise and recommend the above organization if they do not have a course available.
Relationship Australia
42287711 or 1300 364 277 or 1800 044 062
Address: Level 1, 63b Market Street Wollongong.